March 2017
Mothers Day – Run Your Race 17 – Catrina Benham
Bible Verse: Hebrew 12 v 1 – 3
When we say we are making a decision or struggling people often
say ‘just take the next step’, ‘put one step in front of the other’…etc. We
need these tips along the journey of life, however we need to look to the bible
for our life tips.
The bible has loads of practical tips for life. Our faith is
in a real God, who has real answers.
Life is a journey that we go on. We start somewhere and go
somewhere. But it can also be explained as a race.
The bible talks about us all being on our own track and Jesus
supporting us. Our life race is not about speed or being first. It is about
endurance and focusing on God.
Life is not a tarmacked road that is smooth. There are
changing seasons in our life. There are twists and turns. In real life there
are obstacles and we need to get over that. Hence real life is more like a
heptathlon: running, shotput, 800m etc… a
multi event competition.
Hebrews 12
v 1 – 3
Hebrews explains that we will feel weary in life and we will lose
heart, at times. In this long race
called life, however, God also says that
we need to take encouragement from others that have done it before, and we need
to look to Jesus about how we run the race.
The phrase ‘Therefore’, shows that people have gone before
us. In Hebrews 11 heaps of people were commended for their faith. This continues
into Hebrews 12 where it discusses about being ‘surrounded by cloud of
witnesses’ like a cloud, high, deep, wide.
There is a packed stadium, people in the stacked terraces: believers
everywhere cheering us all on. They are saying I’ve done it and you can do it
The witnesses mentioned in Hebrews 11 include Ruth and the
Woman of Proverbs 31. They went through trials and we need to look at how they
ran their race, not what they did.
How they
Run not what they Did.
Ruth: She went from Bethlehem to another country, due to
famine. Once there, the men of the family died leaving three widows. She stayed
with Naomi. From her first marriage she had no children, was a Moabite, poor
and that was not attractive in society. However her reputation was that she was
a women of noble character. People knew about her. She was a women of valour,
brave and strong. She ran her race with determination. God had a plan and she
endured: Ruth is part of Josephs line of genealogy, and after the death of her first
husband she married again and has children.
Chayil – nobel character, strong, excellent, valiant, brave.
Proverbs 31: The woman discussed in this proverb provides
food, works in the night, plants for the future, her trading is profitable.
This is not a task list it is a song celebrating all women. It is not a job
description. It describes all women.
Choose to
Don’t give up, don’t stop, don’t wish for someone else’s
life, move through life with God. Our lives should be about moving through life
in ways that can glorify God rather than what we look like or achieve. When we
trust Him, we will accomplish. There is not just one winner. We can all win and
cheer each other on.
You can do it – they have. We are running in community.
What is
hindering your running?
Throw it off. The baggage we carry hinders our faith. We pick
up things such as fear, anxiety, ambitions, distractions, care of what others
think: these are distractions. Know what hinders you and throw them off.
Comparison hinders us. Don’t keep looking to the left, right or behind. We
can’t look at others and run our own race – we will crash. Such comparisons rob
us of joy.
Sin also entangles. Throw it off.
Don’t run through life with your head down. Don’t march life
out – enjoy the scenery, enjoy the time. Keep your head up, eyes up, look to
The ultimate on how to do ‘life’ is to fix your eyes on
Jesus. The pioneer and perfector of our faith. Put your attention onto Jesus,
look and listen to him. He gives us our faith. He completes and finishes our
faith. He is around us as we run and is ahead of us as we run.
What is getting you through life? Is it Jesus.
Pray, listen to worship and read the bible, along with some
calm breathing. This will get you through the day. We need to remind ourselves
on who we should fix our eyes on.
God is our ultimate coach.
- How is your unique race going?
- Discuss what you each need to throw off, what baggage are you carrying?
- Does everyone else around you look as they are doing better? How does it make you feel?
- Are you in a place you haven’t been before? Share with your group what new things are crossing your path? Pray for each other..
- Is your head down one foot in front of the other? Or are you distracted by hindrances? How will you refocus on Jesus?
- Do you need to change your race? Are you running in the wrong direction?
- Where do you go for help? Friends, family or God?
- Why don’t you all share an example of overcoming something in your own race - celebrate with those in your group