Kerith Sermon: 1st October 2017.
Sola Osinoiki: The Privilege of Serving in the house of God
Gal 6v9 ‘And let us not loose heart and grow weary
and faint in acting nobly and doing right. For in due time at the appointed
season we shall reap, if we do not loosen and relax our faith’
To Reap – means a seed will become fruit when you sow it. You
will receive something back. However the reality is that we may be forgotten.
Gen 40:23…… The
background to this story is that Joseph was sold by his brothers into slavery
to work for Potiphar. He ended up on jail, where was not bound by chains and in
prison he used his gift to bless people. A baker and a butler had the dreams
and Joseph interpreted the dreams which eventually came true. However, once the
butler was freed, he forgot all about how Joseph helped him.
For us sometimes we serve, and it feels that we are
forgotten. We may help and serve at church events but feel we are not acknowledged.
Remember He does not forget.
In Gen 41:2 it
continues to read ‘After 2 full years,
Pharaoh dreams he was standing by the Nile’ …and then the butler remembered
Remember, if you keep doing what is good, in due time, you
will reap your reward. For Joseph this took two full years.
Esther 6: 1 ‘On that night, the king could not sleep so
ordered that the book of records… be read before the King’. The memorable
deeds and chronicles were read to the king so that he could go to sleep….
v3: ‘ “What honour and recognition has Mordecai
received for this?” the king asked.’
It might feel that your service was forgotten, 10 years ago,
3 months ago etc but Jesus still calls your name and asks what honour or
distinction has been given to you as a daughter and son of His. Jesus
intervenes for us.
The bible teaches us that even our enemies will surrender. If
you have applied for a job and has never replied to you, your boss has
overlooked your promotion Jesus has not forgotten and your service (whenever it
occurred) will be remembered.
When you feel forgotten, remember that all heaven is asking
‘what is to be done for this women / man? For people who have served for
years?’ The angels are looking for what
shall be done for you as a servant.
In Esther, a robe and horse was given to Mordecai he was
proclaimed among the Kingdom. Within the tragedy and death of this story, the
result was turned around for him to be honoured.
Ex 17 v8 ‘The Amalekites came and attacked the
Israelites at Rephidim. Moses said to
Joshua, “Choose some of our men and go out to fight the Amalekites. Tomorrow I
will stand on top of the hill with the staff of God in my hands.” ‘
The background to this story is that Amalek came to fight
Israel. Moses turned to Joshua and asked him to take men to the battlefield.
Moses rose to the hilltop and together they will fight.
Israel prevailed when Moses hand were held high. Aaron and
Hur helped Moses hold his hand up high. And Joshua ‘mowed down the people by the sword’.
This is how work is done in the house. How we need to be a
team. We can’t just have a welcoming team in a church, we need the prayers in a
church, we need the doers, we need preachers, we need cleaners…all of us
together … make church work.
Luke 17:10 When I have done all I am supposed to do, I
am but an unworthy servant ….but why is this? The reality is that we are
unworthy because we can only do what we do because somebody volunteered. The
greatest volunteer of the church is:
Isiah 6v8…’Also I heard the voice of the lord saying,
whom shall I send? And whom shall go for us? Then said Here I am, send me’.
He could have sent many angels out, He chose to send Himself. We serve in the
shadow of the cross.
I cast my mind to Calvary where Jesus bled and died for me.
If He did not die we have no message to preach, no building to build and no
cars to park. But He died because He loves us. Jesus, compelled by love,
volunteered to die for us. We are celebrating our ability to serve in the
shadow of the cross.
10v7 ‘Then I said, here I
am coming to do your will, O God what is written of me in the volume of the
books’. …..V8 continues to say ‘to do
thy will’.
Volunteering is the wrong word – privileged to serve is the
correct word.
Let’s celebrate all those who volunteer, all those that are yet
to volunteer…by doing it in the shadow of the cross. The one who paid the price
on the cross for you and I. So that you are not forgotten!
What is your
part in church?
What do you
have to offer?
What hinders
you from having the privilege to serve?
When did you
last show appreciation to others that serve?
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