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Sunday, 7 January 2018

7th Jan 2018 - Isaiah 54 - Week 1 - Don't hold back -Isaiah 54 vs 2-3 - Simon Benham

Sunday 7th January 2018 - Simon Benham

Don't hold back -Isaiah 54 vs 2-3

‘“Enlarge the place of your tent,

stretch your tent curtains wide,

do not hold back;

lengthen your cords,

strengthen your stakes.

For you will spread out to the right and to the left;

your descendants will dispossess nations

and settle in their desolate cities.”


Simon commenced by reminding us of the need to make space and to slow down to hear God this year.


 The verses above need to be in the context of the first the ten verses of Isaiah 54.

The bible has the Old Testament and New Testament. Of the prophets Isiah was the most influential and the book of Isiah is the second most quoted book in the New Testament.

In this book we get the ‘whole story’ the God is telling us. It covers:

Creation: telling us that we are not a fluke or an accident. The message from creation tells us that every human is created for God and by God to live a life with purpose and meaning. We were all created for a relationship with God.

The Fall: The second part of the Isiah story is the fall and leads to and pain and suffering. Our rebellion against God.

Rescue: The third part is the rescue. God came in human flesh to pay the price of our rebellion and sin. The aim being to get us back to being a friend of God, a child of the King. For heaven to come to earth

Restoration: The final part of the story is restoration, where Jesus Christ paid the price on the cross. There is still some work to be done, however we are part of God’s rescue plan for this world.

The above four phrases covered are the meta narrative; the over arching main points of Gods story. We need to understand how we fit in the mini narrative: our part of the gospel.

Interesting Fact: There are 66 chapter in Isaiah. The first 39 cover judgement and last 27 chapters cover compassion. There are 39 books in the old testament and 27 books in the new testament.

Isaiah 54

Isaiah 53 talks about the suffering and that Jesus has died for our sin.

In Isaiah 54, it is the moment when Jesus has come into the world and the blockade of sin is suddenly removed.  The opportunities occur.

It starts by telling the barren woman to burst into song and shout for joy, because Jesus Christ is coming. He is telling a woman who has bore no children that she will have an  overflow of supernatural children. It is telling her to get excited, even though she cannot see it in the natural.

V 2 goes onto encourage us to get ready, to enlarge the place of your tent. To not hold back. To strengthen your stakes. He is telling us to get ready. He is using the analogy of tents as there were a tent dwelling people.

God is saying they need a bigger tent, they need to stretch the material wider. They need to get ready before the supernatural children arrive.

We are in the same place. We as a church need to expect great things from God. We need to expect the overflow of the harvest. However we also need to prepare.

Simon encouraged us to attempt great things for God and to expect great things of God. As a church and as individuals we need to

Enlarge -make more space for more people. 30 years ago we build Bracknell as needed more space. Now we fill this space

To stretch - take risk attempt things that seem far. Go beyond what is the norm.

Lengthen -spear out into Sandhurst . 120 people in Sandhurst Christmas morn. New to Windsor we are lengthening

Strengthen - go deeper. Small tents little legs. Circus tents big pegs.. we need to start by going deeper with him.


We need to go deeper in God as a church and as individuals in 2018. We need to make time and slow down so that we can make time to be with Jesus.

What is our part.? Initially we all individual need to go deeper in Him. In John we are reminded to ‘Remain in Him and you will bear fruit’. We need to be connected to Jesus, as everything flows from Him.

If at the end of 2018 you r closer to God, that's a successful year. Know him better at the end of the year. Slow down to be with him.

Simon also encouraged us to examine 2017 so that we can learn and move on. He challenged us to take time out this week to:

Replay 2017. Examine 2017 and look at what occurred in your life. What happened in 2017? Who did I meet? What did I feel? Where did I go? Reflect and take time out. Look through your diary if you can’t remember.

Rejoice: Looking at what you did and where and who you met?  Examine where God moved in your life? Give thanks for those things? What were your answers to prayer? Where did God break into your situation?

Repent: for what you did wrong. Things that you said or didn't should have said? Examine who hurt us and forgive them? Who do you need to ask for forgiveness from?

Resolve Look at 2017 and see how you can do things differently in 2018. Learn from the past and change for the future. Enlarge ad strengthen in 2018.

Challenge and Questions

Simon challenged us to be closer to Him. What do you need to do be closer to him?

What causes us to be so busy and what do we need to do to slow down?

Do you make time out for God regularly? If so, what benefits does it bring. If not, what hinders you from doing this?

What are your commitments to God this year? What do you need to do differently?

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