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Wednesday 8 February 2017



YOUTH UPDATE: Liam shared the encouraging news from our youth. Dan McNab (aged 18) is fronting Friday nights LIFE, along with a large team aged as young as 12/13. Last weeks 'After Life' (!) team meeting had 78 people young leaders gathering. Some are approaching their head teachers for opportunities to lead school assemblies and bring some gospel message.

Liam began the 9.30 service by drawing attention to the fact that no-one was due to be baptised.

QUESTION: Why do you think this could be?

Liam challenged us to believe for a new chapter. Acts 2 finishes with the words 'And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.' Is this the new chapter we want?

In v 37 the people ask 'what shall we do?' And the answer was 'repent and be baptised'. One question, one answer. No what-ifs. We tend to talk too much and obey too little. Liam made a call for people to decide right now to be baptised. He said it wasn't about making anyone feel guilty, rather it was about being kind - as he was giving an opportunity to get closer to Jesus.

Liam said this...Guilt locks you in, conviction opens you up.

QUESTION: What do you think about this statement?

We were challenged to celebrate conviction. The world says don't celebrate someone telling you what to do. Yet it is a great gift when God chooses to speak to me, and if I'm feeling convicted about baptism now then I choose to celebrate it.

The call to be baptised immediately was clarified by the need to answer yes to each of these questions:

- I am a Christian

- I believe in the existence of God

- I admit my sin and repent

- I believe Jesus is the son of God and died for me

- I am willing to choose to live for God's glory

- I am over 18

- I haven't already been baptised by full immersion in water


As the call continued, Liam said to be aware of the enemy saying 'it doesn't mean me'. Beware of corrupt voices getting in the way (v40). Baptism is an act of obedience, and blessings will follow. Jesus began His ministry by getting baptised.


QUESTION: Is there still a response that you need to make to this call?


Several people stood in response and were baptised at the end of the service. Praise God.

The message continued with a new question. WHO IS BAPTISED BECAUSE OF ME? This question is for those who have been baptised for a while. We need to shift our focus from being too comfortable. We all have a responsibility for bringing people to the baptismal pool. This doesn't need to be a radical new vision, but a call for each of us to make a shift. Small shifts can make a big difference eg a bunch of flowers to a marriage, a 'God bless you' comment, a kind word instead of gossip.

To pray for our enemies is not for their benefit, but for mine - to shift my attitude.

Shift from dreaming to doing something. We often don't shift because we like comfortable, to look normal. But we're not meant to be normal in worldly terms. If we act like our friends, they don't get saved. If we act differently, they ask questions. Liam redefined normal as us living in obedience to God, and being in intimate relationship with Him. If we want to be a tool for God, we must be willing to be a fool.

The things we can offer are what people ultimately want. Love, acceptance etc. So it is good to be a fool if this is what it takes to reach people.

Take perhaps 5 minutes to think about this quietly as individuals. Then offer opportunity to share your thoughts together.

PRAY: For one another to celebrate whatever we have been convicted by.

            For all those who were baptised on Sunday, or who have yet to make that decision.

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