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Sunday 9 July 2017

9th July 2017 Revelation Chapter One (Simon Benham)

Simon started a new series on Revelation, preaching from chapter one.

Turn Up the Volume of the Word of God

At the REAL conference, Simon heard one of the speakers say “Turn up the volume of the Word of God in your life.”   We hear so many voices (e.g. social media, TV, friends, family) that we can struggle to hear God’s voice.  Dial up the volume of God’s voice by giving more attention to reading the Word of God.

Overview of Revelation

The book of Revelation is a revelation from Jesus, and of Jesus.  It was written to the church that was being persecuted.  It is a book of strange imagery, but the overall message is that “Jesus wins”!

It was written by John (one of Jesus’ twelve disciples) in A.D. 96.  John was in exile on the prison island of Patmos.

Receiving Blessing from God’s Word

Verse 3 promises a blessing to those to read the Bible out loud, and a blessing to those who take it to heart (i.e. apply it).

The most powerful way to see change in your life is to read God’s word daily and apply it. Don’t worry about what you don’t understand, but apply what you do understand.

(The church stood and read the whole of Revelation chapter 1)

Revelation of Jesus, the Lion and the Lamb

The other disciples had by this time been martyred, so of all the people alive in the world at this point, John was the one person who already had the most revelation of Jesus.  Yet he still needed more revelation of Jesus.  The same is true of us; no matter how much we already know of Jesus, we need more revelation of Him.

John had known Jesus primarily as the lamb of God, who in humility and suffering willingly died to take away the sins of the world. But now the church was being persecuted and murdered (Caesar Nero used to coat Christians in tar and burn them to light his garden parties, and Caesar Domitian was the first emperor to officially title himself as ‘God the Lord’ and expect worship from all).  John and the church needed revelation of Jesus the Lion, who has all authority and power and is ultimately victorious.

Imagery in Revelation One

These represent the seven churches (v21).  The number seven in the Bible reflects completeness (e.g. 7 days of creation), and so in this imagery represents the whole church.

Jesus is pictured walking amongst the churches.  He places great value on the church, His bride, not just on the individual.  Church should not just be one thing amongst others that competes for our time.  Meeting together as the church each week should be our priority.

2.       Jesus has robes down to his feet and a golden sash (v14)

Robes and sashes are associated with authority, honour, victory, kings and queens and priests.  Jesus is showing himself as the king of kings and the great high priest.

All earthy authorities, and every human being will one day bow down before Jesus and acknowledge Him as Lord (Is 45 v 23, Rom 14 v 11).

3.       Jesus has hair as white as wool or snow (v14)

The Bible says that ‘Grey hair is a crown of glory; it is gained by living a godly life’ (Prov 16 v 31 NLT).  With age comes wisdom, insight and knowledge.

Jesus has all wisdom, insight and knowledge, and gives it to all who ask (Jam 1 v 5).

4.       Jesus has eyes like fire (v14)

Fire speaks of God’s purifying, penetrating sight.  ‘Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account’ (Heb 4 v 13).

Jesus’s eyes see everything that happens in our life.  He sees injustice, and the day will come when He will bring people to account.  We cannot hide anything from God, although we sometimes act as if we can.

5.       Jesus has feet of burnished bronze (v14)

Burnished bronze is bronze glowing in a furnace.  Imagine stamping around with feet of flaming metal – everything you trample is turned to ash.

Malachi prophesies: ‘” Surely the day is coming; it will burn like a furnace. All the arrogant 
and every evildoer will be stubble, and that day that is coming will set them on fire,” says the Lord Almighty. “Not a root or a branch will be left to them.  But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its rays. And you will go out and frolic like well-fed calves. Then you will trample on the wicked; they will be ashes under the soles of your feet on the day when I act.”’ (Mal 4 v 1-4).

The day is coming when Jesus with judge all unrighteousness.

6.       Jesus has a voice like the sound of rushing waters (v15)

Standing at the foot of Niagara Falls, the noise is overwhelming.  You cannot hear anything else.  This is how the voice of Jesus will be over all the earth.

7.       Jesus holds seven stars in his right hand (v16)

These represent the messengers to or leaders of the church.

8.       Out of Jesus’ mouth is a double-edged sword (v16)

The word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart (Heb 4 v 12).  The word of God has such power.

9.       Jesus’ face shines like the sun in all its brilliance (v16)

John had seen the face of Jesus since like this once before, with Peter and James. ‘There he was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as white as the light’ (Mat 17 v 2).

This is Jesus revealing His true nature; His glory, majesty and wonder.
We all need a bigger revelation of who Jesus is, that we also would reflect His glory to those around us.


Ice breaker: After John saw Jesus, he fell at his feet as though dead.  Have you ever been shocked or speechless about something positive that you have experienced in life?

1.    Simon mentioned ‘turning up the volume of the Word of God’ in our lives (see above), and reading the Bible aloud and applying it to our lives.  How loud do you feel the volume of the Word of God is in your ears?

2.    How can you turn up that volume?

3.    Simon said that just before John’s revelation, he was the one person alive at that time with the most revelation of Jesus, yet he still needed more.  How do you think you would change if you had more revelation of Jesus?

4.    Review the 9 pieces of imagery about Jesus above.  Which one speaks to you most and why?

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